4/2018 pp. 3-8
Zalety i wady zajęć e-learningowych w nauczaniu matematyki
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The aim of this paper is to present the main ideas of e-learning and analyze the benefits and problems resulting from its use in the education process. Particular emphasis was put on the issue of the use of e-learning in the process of mathematical education. The considerations were illustrated by specific examples from the field of mathematics. The paper was enriched with the authors’ observations and conclusions, which are the result of their personal experience in the use of distance teaching methods.The aim of this paper is to present the main ideas of e-learning and analyze the benefits and problems resulting from its use in the education process. Particular emphasis was put on the issue of the use of e-learning in the process of mathematical education. The considerations were illustrated by specific examples from the field of mathematics. The paper was enriched with the authors’ observations and conclusions, which are the result of their personal experience in the use of distance teaching methods.
Mots-clése-learning, online education, math teaching
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