1/2012 pp. 29-35
Charakterystyka kształcenia oficera mechanika okrętowego w Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie w czasie postępującej globalizacji
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The paper characterizes the teaching process based on the mechanical engineering undergraduate and graduate programs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Maritime University of Szczecin. The profiles of graduates in different specializations of this direction (engine room operation, the operation of marine propulsion and power devices, diagnostics and repair of marine machinery equipment, environmental protection in the operation of fleet and ports) are presented. Particular attention is paid to the description of the “engine room operation” graduate profile specialization. Graduates of this direction are trained for the positions of engineer officers on ships of various types. Attention is drawn to the characteristic features of various types of classes and practical training. The characteristics of undergraduate studies is complemented by the characteristics of graduate studies (“marine construction and operation of energy systems” specialization). The most important documents underlying the organization of studies, including the documents governing the training of marine engineer officers are quoted.
Mots-cléseducation, engineer officer, globalization of education
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