2/2012 pp. 13-19
Гендерный аспект в контексте обучения художественному переводу
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The article deals with the notion of gender, its realization in different spheres of the language and means of rendering gender peculiarities in translation. The study of gender is one of the central issues in the modern sciences of language, society and culture and its significance for the purpose of forming translator’s competences is increasing in the context of cultural intercourse. Gender stereotypes and basic stereotypical oppositions associated with the behavior of men and women should be taken into consideration while recreating a literary image in the text of literary translation. The problem of gender asymmetry is especially urgent in English due to the modern tendencies of political correctness and elimination of any kind of language discrimination, in Russian these trends are not so clear. This fact presents a new challenge for teaching literary translation.
Mots-clésgender, literary translation, cultural intercourse, stereotypical oppositions, gender asymmetry
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