3/2012 pp. 27-32
Texte intégral au format pdf
The development of civilization has contributed to another change in the approach to education under the influence of the new state of knowledge resulting from the information boom in the new media. On the one hand higher education facilities aim at revitalization and cultivation of traditional values that are included in widely understood humanism trend. On the other hand a higher or lower level of compliance with increasing technological wave may be observed. The paper begins with the characteristics of the reality in which the subjects of education with access to digital media exist. Amongst others terms the concepts network generation, kids in the Internet, information competence are explained. Next, the increasing wave of new media tools as well as their management for the purpose of higher education is referred to. In the end a ‘macro’ and a ‘micro’ change and implications resulting from this fact for school digitalization in real and expectation perspective are summarized.
Mots-clésnetwork society, network generation, teacher, student, the digitalization of school
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