3/2013 pp. 18-25
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Irish schools experienced a rapid increase in the inflow of immigrant students only in the last couple of years. Currently about 10% of students in primary schools and about 8% of students in post-primary schools have immigrant backgrounds. They are also a very heterogeneous group. Unlike most other OECD countries, first-generation immigrant students in Ireland, on average, achieve education outcomes similar to their Irish-born peers, possibly because the socio-economic backgrounds of these students are similar to or higher than those of their Irish-born peers. However many of them do not speak English at all. To address the issues that have arisen as a result of the sudden inflow of immigrants, the government has responded quickly with a strong political commitment and policy initiatives, tools, and materials to provide language support and intercultural education. This paper presents intercultural education strategies and practices in Irish schools.
Mots-clésIreland, Intercultural education, Irish education, immigrants in Ireland, intercultural strategy
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