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General and Professional Education
1/2014 pp. 6-12

Исторические этапы становления профессиональной культуры сотрудников государственной противопожарной службы мчс России

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The paper analyzes the historical stages of staff professional culture development in Russian Emergency Ministry State Fire Fighting Service. Alongside with it the paper describes the characteristic features of fire fighting institution development in each of the periods. Fire fighting functions evolution in Russia is shown. Initially the fire fighting function was attributed to residents living in the territory, they were responsible for their own security and keeping order. Gradually fire safety passed under the jurisdiction of specially created units. Issues of fire fighting staff training are always up to date. But only in post-perestroika period of the Russian state history they got enough dynamic development. At the present stage there is rapid development forward in the formation and continuous improvement of staff professional culture development in Russian Emergency Ministry State Fire Fighting Service.


professional culture, fire protection, historical stage, professional training


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