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General and Professional Education
1/2014 pp. 25-31

Приемы и техники коммуникативной поддержки студента в образовательном процессе университета

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The paper analyzes the communicative support of students as a component of a professor’s psycho-pedagogical activity. The author analyzes the categories of interaction and communication, and outputs the concept of communicative support as a complex of ways of a higher school teacher’s professional activity to ensure the updating and development of students’ individual psychological and personal resources. A special functional characteristic feature of a communicative support is the provision of ensuring a favorable psychological climate of the educational process, leading to the productivity of educational interaction. Communicative support structure is represented by the emotional, cognitive and behavioral components. Each component is implemented in verbal and nonverbal techniques and methods. The author concludes that communicative support contributes to involving students to general professional culture that allows to ensure the unity of teaching and educational activities, to enable students to discover their own strategies for personal development. The ability and willingness to provide a communicative support is one of the teachers’ tasks in the field of self-education and professional self-improvement.


communicative support, verbal communication, non-verbal interaction, the identity of the student, teacher professional activities


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