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General and Professional Education
2/2014 pp. 46-53

Przydatne narzędzia w pracy wykładowcy akademickiego - jak motywować współczesnego studenta

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The issue of motivating students to engage in the learning process is one of the most important elements in the work of an academic teacher. The article presents various forms of work with groups of students, gathered for their suitability in terms of stimulating the attention and engaging class participants. The proposed activities emphasize the need for inspiring positive motivation for learning. Another important issue is effective communication during the course and influencing a group by the use of proper communication tools by a teacher. One of the discussed issues given attention to was also the impact of specific perceptual filters used by a lecturer on the effectiveness of running a group during the class. This issue is discussed based on the Schultz von Thun four-ears model.


motivation, communication, group management, Schultz von Thun model, von Restorff isolation effect, academic skills


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