3/2014 pp. 73-81
E-learning a współczesny uniwersytet

The main aim of this article is to draw attention on the contemporary challenges for universities in the 21st century and the impact of ICT in the learning process. The transfer of knowledge has become easier, but it does not mean that knowledge become less valuable. It is difficult to imagine the teaching process without new technologies. The article focuses on three main issues: university, e-learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). The article describes the changes in the structure and the main aims of the modern university. The author paid attention also on characteristics of the current model of university. E-learning is a relatively new phenomenon, the author tries to identify the differences between e-learning (pull model of learning ) and traditional model of teaching (push model of learning). The relations between the student and the lecturer, teacher have been changed too. The article also presents the law regulation concerning the distance learning in Poland. One of the most interesting issues in the new model of teaching are Massive Open Online Courses. The author explains that the MOOC are another way of the knowledge sharing for free (Open Access) and presents their advantages and disadvantages.
Mots-clése-learning, distance learning, university, MOOC
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