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General and Professional Education
2/2015 pp. 10-17

Wspieranie twórczości studentów jako element multimedialnego systemu kształcenia na odległość

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The Department of Media and Information Technologies of the University of Zielona Góra has developed a remote education program, which employs a set of multimedia e-learning modules. The program was implemented and empirically verified. The target group for the multimedia education program were students of two specializations: „media and IT education” and „new media in social communication with English as a Foreign Language”. The group has special interests – many of the students work within the fields of photography, film, graphic design and programming. Having accounted for the skills and expectations of the target group, a blended-learning system was employed with a series of project-based tasks. Each of these tasks aimed at eliciting a creative solution to a given problem. The group was supported by the teachers but also by the very content and mechanisms of the multimedia education module. The present paper describes the improvements and modifications implemented into the module with the aim of supporting creativity of the students.


supporting creativity, creativity, e-learming, blended learning, multimedia, ICT, teaching and learning methods


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