3/2015 pp. 31-37
Restored limestone quarry as an attractive place for educational purposes and refuge of biodiversity

The purpose of this article is to present the restoration method used in the closed limestone quarry Lipówka in Rudniki near Częstochowa (Poland). It focuses on natural and educational values of the site. The restoration has been possible thanks to the abundance of species that live at the Lipówka quarry, attracted by the diversity (of aquatic and terrestrial) habitats. Restoration activities include preparing: information panels for the educational trail, drafting educational and promotional materials and organising training sessions for teachers in the region. Educational and promotional materials comprise: leaflets advertising the educational nature trail, a guidebook to the trail, audio guides and lesson plans. The quarry has been adapted to host classes in sciences, biology, geography and geology for children and adolescents. Also fieldwork for students of bachelor and master programmes in natural sciences can be held there.
Mots-clésclosed quarry, abandoned quarry, brownfields, restoration method, education, biodiversity
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