3/2015 pp. 46-51
"Notatki z wykładów" – nagrywanie a prawo autorskie
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The paper presents speculations on the way students make notes and record academic teacher’s lectures. The question whether these recordings are legal and their distribution allowed is raised in the article. The authors consider what is the level of student awareness regarding this issue and what are the practices in this regard. The intention of this article is to help answer these questions on the basis of existing legislation, taking into consideration the results of a survey conducted on a selected group of students of technical universities from Szczecin (Poland).
Mots-cléseducation, lecture, copyright, intellectual property, public function
References1. Mediateka NCBJ (https://vimeo.com/ncbj, dostęp: 02.05.15).
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6. Dziennik Internautów (http://di.com.pl/sonda,wyniki,5972.html, dostęp 03.05.15).
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