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General and Professional Education
4/2015 pp. 3-13

Symulator jazdy samochodem jako stanowisko dydaktyczne używane do poprawy bezpieczeństwa w ruchu drogowym i nauki ekologicznej jazdy

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The article presents the problem of accidents with young drivers in Poland. It is shown that in order to improve the unfavorable statistics since several years the modern teaching methods whose goal is to increase the knowledge and skills of young drivers are introduced. The paper descibes the requirements that the simulators used in drivers training must meet. The construction and the possibility of the Oktal® driving symulator belonging to the Laboratory of Automobile and Tractors of the Kielce University of Technology are presented. The exemplary characteristics such as the use of appropriate gear and the relevant engine speed or ability to predict the traffic situation determined during the training to assess the control by the driver are shown.


simulator, driver training, driver behavior, eco-driving


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