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General and Professional Education
4/2015 pp. 14-19

Czy studenci uczący się polskiego języka migowego lepiej rozpoznają emocje rysujące się na twarzy?

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Facial expressions are seen as a part of the grammatical structures in sign languages used by Deaf communities. The understanding of visual-spatial language requires good face processing skills. According to the previous studies, users of sign language: Deaf and hearing children of Deaf adults (CODA) have increased facial recognition skills in performing non-linguistic tasks. In this paper authors investigate the effects from Polish Sign Language learning as a second language in hearing students group on discriminating human face emotions. In the experiment the participants were divided into two groups: Polish Sign Language learners (N=13) and English learners (N=13). There were no meaningful difference between the accuracy in Scale of Emotional Intelligence (Faces) of the two groups. The results suggest that a short period of time of visual-spatial language learning (one semester) may not be enough for increasing facial emotional processing skills.


Polish Sign Language, second language learning, facial recognition skills


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