4/2015 pp. 39-50
Symulator interpretowanej rozmytej sieci petriego jako narzędzie dydaktyczne

The paper presents Fuzzy Interpreted Petri Net Emulator as an educational tool. First, the usefulness of Petri nets is discussed. Then, the computer tools which are used to present a principle of the Petri nets operation are introduced. The next few sections of the article describe formal definition of Fuzzy Interpreted Petri Net emulator which is based on this net and example the use of the emulator. Finally, the educational values of the Petri nets are described. Arising from the article the additional conclusions are that emulator can be used for both educational and practical purposes and there exist many directions of further development for this tool.
Mots-clésPetri nets, Fuzzy Interpreted Petri Net, Petri net emulator, educational tool
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