1/2016 pp. 3-8
Technologie IT jako narzędzia wsparcia twórczej dyskusji w rozwiązywaniu problemów inżynierskich
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The article presents the concept of employing IT as a tool for improving the effectiveness of one type of creative discussion (the brainstorming technique) through the use of virtual space and internet communication for interactions among project participants. The use for this purpose of teamwork-dedicated software which can run in real-time and in offline mode has greatly improved the opportunities for the exchange of broadly defined technical information among team members and people monitoring and assessing design concepts. The activities of project groups have yielded solutions to pre-defined technical problems of functional nature. The assessment of solutions was based on a generalised SWOT analysis due to the significant variety of proposed solutions, which prevented the establishing of clear and unambiguous assessment criteria. Typical engineering-related issues, such as the selection of materials, and strength calculations, were also taken into account in the assessment process. In the last part of the article, conclusions regarding the suggested method are presented, with an additional mention of the means of communication among project participants and those who handle the assessment.
Mots-clésIT, online teamwork, creative thinking, brainstorming
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