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General and Professional Education
2/2017 pp. 12-18

Metoda analizy wielokryterialnej jako narzędzie oceny działalności projektowej na kierunkach technicznych

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This article presents concepts for the utilisation of the AHP multiple-criteria analysis method as a tool for the evaluation of project solutions developed in the course of design classes at the faculty of mechanics. The selection of method resulted from the need to create a tool which would minimise subjective expert assessment and emphasise the value of structured criteria for the final evaluation. An important feature of this method is the estimation of the significance of the selected criteria, their direct comparison, and, as a result, their impact on the final outcome. Based on the AHP algorithm described in the source literature, an own-design tool operating in the VB 2010 environment is proposed. It allows the direct monitoring of subsequent evaluation stages and their recording in the text format. The obtained end-result can be supplemented by the evaluation of the organisational activities of a given project team, which constitutes a separate decision tree.


multiple-criteria decision analysis, decision support, project evaluation, VB environment, app design


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