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General and Professional Education
2/2017 pp. 36-42

Poczucie osamotnienia współczesnego dziecka ze skłonnością do hipertrofii edukacyjnej

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It appears that feelings compared to deliberations, settle the deepest content of human alienation. Each alienation is different. It is connected with the fact, that each human being has a different situation, personality, and character. Therefore, one should reflect if child’s feeling of alienation can activate such defensive mechanisms, thanks to which, for example additional activity, may compensate lack of social contacts. When trying to answer the question, one can think over if the educational hypertrophy can be a kind of manifesting one’s existence and personality, thanks to which the child wants to bring itself to parents’ attention. One should ask if this kind of activity can be a panacea for all the disorders of a dysfunctional family?

There were 180 respondents analysed at the age of 11 and 12 years old, varied with regard to their sex, and cognitive abilities (60 per cent of girls with above average cognitive abilities, 53,4 per cent of girls with optimal cognitive abilities as well as 40 per cent of boys with above average cognitive abilities, and 46,6 per cent of boys with optimal cognitive abilities), pupils of primary schools from Rzeszów city. The choice of the essential group of respondents (90 pupils) was made with taking into account their high educational successes, and time they devote to learning as well as a “specificity” of spending their free time.


feeling of alienation, educational hypertrophy, education, child


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