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General and Professional Education
2/2018 pp. 20-24

Ocena zapotrzebowania na edukację w zakresie łagodzenia dolegliwości w grupie opiekunów nieformalnych

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It is difficult to help the terminally ill patient without the involvement of his family. However, family members often do not have the adequate knowledge or the skills to enable them to exercise care tailored to the individual needs of the patient. The work concerns assessment of the need for education in the field of alleviating symptoms in the group of informal caregivers. Studies have shown that informal carers lack both the knowledge and skills during caregiving. The consequence of this was taking passive attitude or making incorrect interventions. Therefore, it is important to take action to prepare the family to participate in the care of patients at the end of their life.


informal carer, educational needs, palliative care, hospice


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